

Alain Lame is a visual artist born in Paris. He studied at the École du Louvre.
He grew up in the 1980s and was inspired by the artistic atmosphere of the time. The 1980s were an era of growing global capitalism. Global political upheavals. Mass media. Unique wealth and differences in music and fashion. All this characterizes hip-hop. Electronic pop music. It had a strong impact on the generation of artists who grew up at that time. The fall of the Berlin Wall at the end of the decade meant the end of the Cold War.

Alain, on the other hand, studied influential art movements. They include Neo Geo. The Pictures Generation and Neo-Expressionism. All of these movements gained particular momentum in Germany, France and Italy.

Artists like Anselm Kiefer. Jörg Immendorf. Enzo Cuchi. Francesco Clemente and Julian Schnabel were key artists who influenced his work.


Expositions privées (Show room, atelier, appartement, etc.)

Galerie “La Valse” (Paris)  

Galerie Virgile Legrand (Paris)  

Galerie R-2 – Zombrart (Paris)

Espace Chemin du Montparnasse (Paris) 

Expo collective – Usine Hollander (Choisy-le-roi) 

Le petit salon (Paris) 

1-Galerie Hervé Lorgeré (Paris) 

2-Galerie Hervé Lorgeré (Paris)

3-Galerie Hervé Lorgeré (Paris)

Le Hublot (Ivry sur seine) 

Galerie La Fabrique (Ivry sur Seine) 

Galerie Voz’image (Boulogne)

Affordable Art Fair (Paris Espace Champeret) 

Galerie Art Shaker (Paris) 

Expositions privées (Show room, Atelier, appartement) 1992-2022

Pavillon Veljkovic (Belgrade) 

Fondation Soros (Belgrade) 

Galerie Blanche (Paris) 

Peniche Concorde  (Paris)

Galerie Antoine Laurentin (Paris) 

Centre d’Art Culturel de Verbier (Suisse)

Casino de Montreux (Suisse) 

Galerie Akira Ikeda (Tokyo) 

Galerie Robert Miller (New-York) 

Galerie Duran (Madrid) 

Galerie delpha (Paris) 

Galerie Pons-Debord (Paris) 

Salon de la côte fleurie (Deauville:Trouville)

Salon internationnal des léopards (Deauville/Trouville)


Le Delarge -Dictionnaire des arts plastiques modernes et contemporains. 

Dictionnaire des arts plastiques moderne
 et contemporains du debut du XXe siecle à nos jours (Ed grund) 


Guide Argus 



Semestriel des arts 



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